About Us

Our Berries


8 different varieties of Southern Highbush and Rabbiteye so berries are available usually from mid-May throughout most of the summer.


All the best thornless varieties bred by the the University of Arkansas. From the Ouachita to the Apache you will not find bigger better berries anywhere!


We love them so we just keep trying to raise them, even though they do not like our climate or our dry hot summers.  We never have enough for everyone but come pick a few and  you will enjoy the fresh delicious flavor.

fresh raspberry pie

Big delicious


Flowers We Grow


We raise lots of different types of flowers but the big 3 are:





The flower and berry farm grew out of the Egger’s desire to return to Arkansas and own a little acreage. Butch’s career had relocated the family  to Omaha, NE and though many good friends were made there it never felt like home. The Lord blessed them with the perfect property on Wye Mountain with sandy loam soil, perfect for producing  flowers and berries.

The farm began in 1998 with about a dozen beds of flowers expanding each year until reaching about 3 acres of field grown flowers. Then in 2008  the 6 acres of berry fields were planted.

This year was the 4th year the farm was opened for families to come out and enjoy a morning picking fresh berries  and choosing a beautiful fresh bunch of flowers for their home. 2015 will be the 18th year as local flower vendors at Little Rock’s River Market. In addition to River Market our flowers are available at Catering to You, Hillcrest Farmers Market and many local florists including Tipton and Hurst and our second year at Whole Foods.

About Us

We were honored by being selected

2014 Pulaski County Farm Family of the year.